
【Great Collaboration】 Chap. 3, Sec. (1)

Chapter 3 LOHAS

(1) Do you know the term LOHAS?

By the way, do you know the term LOHAS? LOHAS is a coined acronym, proposed by American sociologist Paul Ray and psychologist Sherry Anderson. It stands for “Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability.” Put more simply, it is sometimes called lifestyles that are friendly to the mind, body, and the Earth. It is a movement that urges people to raise their awareness and aims to change their lifestyles in various aspects, with an emphasis on health and the Earth’s environment.

Specifically, in the field of food, LOHAS focuses on organic and pesticide-free produce, natural food, safe and reliable supplements, traditional processing methods, natural farming, slow food, etc. In the field of health and personal development, LOHAS refers to cosmetics made of organic ingredients, natural medicine, acupuncture and moxibustion, integrated medicine, homeopathy, yoga, fitness, healing, aroma(therapy), seminars to enhance spirituality, slow life, etc. Furthermore, in the field of architecture and transportation, topics such as renovation of buildings, environmentally-friendly houses and interiors, green city planning, green modes of transportation are drawing attention. In the field of energy, LOHAS encompasses alternative energy, renewable energy, energy conservation, eco-driving, recycling, etc. Other than these fields, the idea and practice of LOHAS is becoming widespread in a very broad range of fields, such as gardening, eco-tourism, new types of schools, restoration of landscapes, and socially responsible investment.

(If you want to know more about LOHAS in detail, please type in and search for “LOHAS” at www.google.com and other search engines. You will find countless numbers of related sites. There are even magazines, books, movies, and music on the subject of LOHAS; please try searching by the keyword “LOHAS,” at www.amazon.com and other online bookstores. Even if you didn’t know the term LOHAS, you will soon be aware that you are one of the bunch leading a Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability.)

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(Date published / 公開日: 2/7/2021)

(Date last updated / 最終改訂日: 5/26/2021)