(8) Why is LOHAS fun?
When we look at people leading Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability, we find that each one of them has his/her own area of specialty, his/her favorite field, and/or area which he/she finds enjoyable. In those areas or fields, they are increasingly cultivating their expertise, acquiring experience, and evolving their lifestyles. The areas that fall into the scope of LOHAS have a boundless expanse. As such, in LOHAS, you need not compete with others for success in any way. Each and every one can experience success in one’s own Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability. In other words, a Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability differs in its specific form for each and every person. Accordingly, in LOHAS, success consists not in comparing yourself with others but in your own perception of whether or not you’ve achieved success.
On the other hand, while Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability may vary widely between individuals, they can generate very large synergies through exchange of information, mutual assistance, interactive dialogue on one another’s success, and collaboration. That is, LOHAS has the characteristics as described above in terms of values. One can readily become friends with another who has a shared set of values. And when people who share the same values cooperate to reach a common goal, a synergetic effect is created, as if one plus one made three. This synergetic effect is truly the result of the full realization of one another’s potential through living in coexistence. Not only can one enjoy a Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability alone, but one can also have greater success and fun through the synergetic effect created by living in coexistence with others. You can sense rather easily how fun coexistence ― a principle underlying LOHAS ― is. That is another characteristic of LOHAS.
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(Date published / 公開日: 4/11/2021)
(Date last updated / 最終改訂日: 5/1/2021)