(12) Restoration of the sense of right and wrong
Furthermore, in Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability, the sense of right and wrong is definitely respected. The definition of the term LOHAS stipulates in the first place that health and sustainability are right. This apparently enables people to have a sense of right and wrong without much hesitation.
In general, in 20th-century common sense, all kinds of values, as well as the criteria for discerning right and wrong, became relative [as opposed to absolute]. The sense of right and wrong became less respected at work and in life. You only had to win a lawsuit, to have your actions justified and deemed right. Such was the widespread trend that, in my opinion, people consequently lost the criteria to judge confidently what should and should not be done.
Actually, however, a look at the world slightly from a distance would show the inexorable existence of a distinction between deeds/thoughts that are right and wrong, albeit with some gray area in the middle. A party, whose acts may not be illegal but who makes an extremely unfavorable impression on the other party, will naturally be excluded from Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability, by permanently losing the trust of the other party. Such acts may include preparing a contract written in illegibly small letters and subsequently accusing the other party of breach of contract; or mixing an undesirable ingredient into a product under the cover of terminology that is incomprehensible to the consumer.
LOHAS is grounded on the view that humans are inherently good, a view that basically places trust on the other party. As such, a wrongdoer is punished through expulsion from the LOHAS network, to which a betrayer can never return. Therefore, people will naturally look for a counterpart that they can trust; and eventually, coexistence will be founded on trust, not on negotiations or law. In the foundation of that trust lie the rigorous sense of right and wrong, as well as the people’s desire to continuously seek what is good.
To table of contents (English)
(Date published / 公開日: 4/30/2021)
(Date last updated / 最終改訂日: 5/1/2021)