
【Great Collaboration】 Chap. 4, Sec. (7)

(7) Blossoming of one’s potentials

It is highly interesting that the approach to [produce an individual who could] win the rat race observed at the end of the 20th century is not to provide infinitely rigorous training [to the individual] but to arrange an environment where the individual feels fun, apply appropriate stimuli to the individual, and develop the individual’s potential to its maximum. That must mean that each and every person has a potentiality that is to be put to use in mutually different areas.

Accordingly, I think a common approach to education in the 21st century would be to allow an individual to go through trial and error in various areas at an early age; carefully judge and decide the areas in which the individual’s potentials are likely to blossom; provide appropriate stimuli once the direction becomes apparent; let the individual gain experience of success without damaging the sense of fun; and consequently realize the individual’s full potential. This approach to education is clearly different from the mass-production style of education in the 20th century. I expect education to be one of the areas whose state would differ the most in the 21st century compared to the 20th.

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(Date published / 公開日: 4/4/2021)

(Date last updated / 最終改訂日: 4/4/2021)