
【Great Collaboration】 Chap. 2, Sec. (5)

(5) When the definition of “success” changes

That is why Japan today needs a new definition of success. To put it the other way around, following the end of the Showa era and having entered the 21st century, in only about fifteen years hitherto, why has Japan become so shabby? Why has Japan lost its energy, causing all its people to live groggily? It’s because Japan has been unable to have a definition of success, since it entered the Heisei era. In other words, since entering the Heisei era, Japan has kept on running by sheer force without exactly knowing what constitutes success. As a result, Japan has been worn out, and the country and its people are adrift and close to running up on the rocks.

Yes. What Japan today needs is to change the definition of “success” or, perhaps stated more accurately, to define “success” for a new Japan. Newborn Japan will begin from redefining “success” for a new Japan. I have termed the definition of success for newborn Japan “Construction of a Society Based on Great Collaboration ― A Nation-Building wherein Difference is the Source of Strength.” And I want to make the next ten years a decade for building the infrastructure for that society.

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(Date published / 公開日: 1/24/2021)

(Date last updated / 最終改訂日: 5/26/2021)