(3) What are the Japanese people seeking now?
Well then, what are the Japanese people seeking now? To put it in a nutshell, I would say “security”; the desire to live today radiantly to the fullest extent possible, from the bottom of one’s heart, without dwelling on yesterday’s anxieties or worrying about tomorrow. The 20th century, which had undergone unduly violent changes, has ended and the people are seeking anew for stability and peace. On top of that, they want to live their lives with a great sense of security. Aren’t these the values the Japanese are sincerely seeking for from the heart now?
At the same time, it seems to me that the people “want to forget” this Heisei era, which has been painful and full of hardships. Just as survivors of war hesitate to tell their war experiences, it seems the people want a way out of and “want to forget” the hard times of the Heisei era soon. That is presumably because many people involuntarily are victimizers, even as they are victims, in these hard times. So Japan today is just about to have an opportunity to start again from scratch, after putting all our grudges and ill feelings behind us.
To table of contents (English)
(Date published / 公開日: 1/17/2021)
(Date last updated / 最終改訂日: 6/15/2021)