
【Great Collaboration】 Chap. 2, Sec. (2)

(2) The scene the last winners will see

Having rushed through the very hectic 20th century, the Japanese people today are giving spurs to each other, demanding themselves to run even faster. But what is it that the present-day Japanese people are seeking the most? The ability to run even faster? The capacity to memorize even more? Or the strength to fight even more fiercely?

In this world, indeed there still are people looking for those kinds of things. But give it a closer look. Those people might temporarily be on the winning side and be confident that they could still win the race based on 20th-century set of values. However, they could instantly tumble down and be on the losing side. Their company might suddenly start corporate restructuring and lay-off, or they might suffer from a serious illness as a result of overworking themselves. Today, don’t we see such scenes all too often? These days, isn’t everyone experiencing such stuff to a larger or lesser extent?

More and more people are gradually beginning to realize what they are going to see when the bipolarization between winners and losers of the modern age goes all the way till the end. They will see one single winner standing on top of the grudges of a countless number of losers. But even the lone winner’s foothold will be undermined by those grudges. In the end, only a deserted, barren expanse of land will remain. That’s the scene the people will see.

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(Date published / 公開日: 1/11/2021)

(Date last updated / 最終改訂日: 1/11/2021)