
【Great Collaboration】 Chap. 3, Sec. (2)

(2) When do we realize that a child has become an adult?

LOHAS is a way of thinking that is permeating the Western and Japanese world very rapidly. It is beginning to effect gradual but significant changes in people’s lifestyles. On an individual industry or field basis, LOHAS might appear to be just another fad. However, LOHAS encompasses all fields in a cross-sectoral manner and keeps evolving on and on. That is one characteristic of LOHAS. When we look at each product or fashion one by one, we only see it as such. But when we look at all the products and fashion from a cross-cutting perspective, we find that a new sense of value is becoming entrenched among many Japanese through a change in the people’s lifestyles.

It is just like an undiscerning child growing up into a sensible adult. We can only realize that a child is maturing into an adult when we actually see the child changing gradually in terms of how he/she speaks, acts, dresses, and spends time. That is to say, while the boundary between child and adult is judged nominally by one’s age or the shift in one’s appearance, it can only be felt substantially when one’s behavior actually changes from that of a child to that of an adult in every situation.

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(Date published / 公開日: 2/11/2021)

(Date last updated / 最終改訂日: 2/11/2021)