
【Great Collaboration】 Chap. 6, Sec. (10)

(10) A time when artists play an active role

And I believe artists will be the ones that play a central role in energizing people at the forefront of the Great Collaboration society.

In the previous era, politicians, scholars, or the mass media played a central role in influencing people. In the Great Collaboration society, however, a politician’s job will be setting forth principles, and fine-tuning in the background. And in a world wherein reason is relativized, a scholar’s logical account will not motivate people. Neither will information in the media motivate people because it will be buried in countless pieces of network information.

In the age to come, artists will motivate people. Specifically speaking, [the works of artists such as] pictures, photographs, or movies that presage the future; pieces of writing, songs, or dramas that inspire people; and designs or styles that fit LOHAS are what will motivate people. (Try searching by the keyword “LOHAS” at an online bookstore, such as www.amazon.com, and you will find music and movies in addition to books.)

Let us note that none of these works of artists are propaganda that suit political purposes; people are motivated when each artist expresses his/her senses with an outpouring of enthusiasm.

The world of senses, compared to the real world, is a considerably deformed world. I think deformation will be the artist’s job and the captor of people’s hearts.

Modern-day artists already have considerable common ground with Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability. They have already made great contributions to the development of LOHAS hitherto. As such, I think artists will continue to play the important role of leading the world in opening up new dimensions.

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(Date published / 公開日: 8/28/2021)

(Date last updated / 最終改訂日: 8/28/2021)