(4) Herald of 21st-century Japanese
LOHAS is a term that “comprehensively” describes a very wide range of lifestyles. As such, just like the term “IT revolution,” its connotations are likely to evolve further as the times change. Since LOHAS is based on health and sustainability, it can be applied to every aspect of our lives.
Then, what will we, the Japanese people, be like in the days to come? If a 21st-century man is coming into being through LOHAS now, then what will the Japanese be like down the path? What will they seek? What will they cherish? What will they define as “success” in their lives?
A major change of the times, first of all, occurs like the rotation of a revolving stage. That is to say, before the previous era ends completely, the stage and the actors of the next era are ready behind the scenes. And as soon as the front stage and the actors thereon complete their roles, the back stage becomes the front stage. In other words, the herald of or the preparation for a major change of the times is always present in the current era. So if we watch the current era very closely, we will find there the stage and actors of the next era.
Second, a major change of the times, just like a climb of Mount Fuji, ends up at the same summit, even if we take different trails from completely different starting places. That is to say, individuals, who were previously acting independently, with no relations amongst one another, meet in the end at the same place. That is how the actors of the next era get together.
Viewed in this light, Japan of the 21st century is likely to be found on a line extending from, but not limited to, this LOHAS movement of today. In my opinion, through LOHAS, countless numbers of actors of the 21st century are emerging on the next stage. Then, what will these men and women seek? What will they cherish? And what will they define as “success” in their lives?
To table of contents (English)
(Date published / 公開日: 2/23/2021)
(Date last updated / 最終改訂日: 5/26/2021)